Stewardship 2025 Journey:
Growing by Grace: Rooted in Faith

Stewardship Season
Our 2025 Stewardship Journey is underway after our joyous celebration of St. Andrew’s Sesquicentennial. This Journey continues that celebration and shares the theme “Rooted in Faith, Growing by Grace.” We have heard from two of our faithful members, Christen Epstein and Zoey Green, who have shared with us what it means to them to be part of our community and how the Stewardship Journey supports our mission and vision. Thank you to those who have already submitted their pledge forms.
Options to Pledge:
Please return the mail-in pledge form sent to your home either in the offering plate or in the return envelope provided. (It will arrive the week of Oct. 27)
Utilize the QR code in the church; this will redirect you to this page, where you may fill in the form electronically.
Pledge cards will also be available inside the church starting October 20.
Or, while you are here, fill out the below form.
Our in-gathering Sunday will be Majesty of Christ Sunday, November 24.